This has been a horribly lame week. First of all, Superbowl Sunday marked the end of the NFL season, which is always a bummer. I get so much knitting done while watching football. My Sundays from here until September are so blank.
On a personal note of Lame, some one stole my phone on Superbowl Sunday. Also, REALLY lame.
This week, in Denver has been really effing cold. Not quite as bad as the negative temps last week, (although a few days the wind chill brought us down to that level) but just so many days in a row of going outside into snot-freezing cold= supremely LAME. This kind of cold makes me feel trapped inside, which is most definitely, lame.
And lastly, I have to take a furlough day. Which is where the lameness of this week ends, because at least I get a three day weekend at the end of the lamest week ever. I intend to spend my Monday (which also happens to be Valentine's Day) with my best friend from fourth grade HURRAY!
Of course I will pay for my day off with a short paycheck next Friday, but that is a price I'm willing to pay to have an extra to celebrate the end of this week. Plus, it's supposed to be warm over said weekend which means possible motorcycle time which is, quite possibly, the RADDEST THING EVER.