Saturday, February 28, 2009

Icky Lame

Mouldery bread that you have to throw out. Also, bagels with beards. Hate wasting food.

(Rad on the side, mouldery is a totally RAD word.)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Lame... Almost-middle-aged-man-anorexia

What's up with my male friends over the age of thirty thinking they need to lose weight? And attempting to do so by forgoing meals, replacing them with cigarettes and light beer? Strange.

Rad conversation

Scene: cab ride home from karaoke last Sunday
Dale: You are going to go home and sleep with the cat who doesn't talk to anybody
Me: She talks to me!
Dale: Well, then, you are special.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rad-iation heat

Toaster Ovens.
From Rad


Kathleen Sebelius, Governor of Kansas. Totally rad and totally getting her kudos for it.
The sad part is, even though she has a "record of working across party lines," these days, those on the other side of the line have no intention of crossing it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lame: When Chimps Attack

... and it gets incredible amounts of airtime on the news...,0,999235.story

And what the heck was the chimp doing taking Xanax? I mean, if not at the time of the crime, in general, shouldn't those drugs go to PEOPLE who need them?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Lame-O Gift

Only thing worse than giving a grown woman a teddy bear? Expecting sex in return for said teddy bear. Ew.


Litter (especially Walmart and Starbucks litter)
dying houseplants
rotten food
distance between friends
7th Heaven
speeding tickets
dog poo

Rad: Brightly colored things, happy children, toilet paper, letters in the mail.

On this blog, I shall keep a running tally of all things Rad versus all things Lame and I hope that, in the end, Rad wins.
But sometimes it feels pretty good to list all that Lameness in the world.
While mostly based on my opinion of things (and I love comments and criticisms as long as they are intelligent, witty and/or constructive), there are things on these lists that just about no one can dispute (war is pretty much lame to everyone, and who doesn't like trees in some way?).

For now, some Radness.
string cheese
solar panels
dinner parties
new pens
visiting new countries